Employers Step Up and Stand Out with Student Loan Help
Employers Step Up and Stand Out with Student Loan Help
Your staff could very well be loaded up with student loan debt. Heck, you might even have some yourself. None of this is news. But as student loan debt continues to snowball in the U.S.–up to $1.75 trillion as of late 2021– you may be less familiar with the all-hands-on-deck mentality many employers are now taking toward the problem. Companies are getting off the sideline and taking a more active role in helping their workers manage student loans. Here’s how and, more importantly, why. Why companies are adding student loan help to their benefits toolbox In recent years, however, both employers and employees have signaled a growing expectation to work together on the issue. More than half (57%) of employees believe their company should help them pay off student loans according to exclusive Betterment research on employee financial wellness. Savvy companies have taken the issue to heart. By complementing their 401(k) with student loan management, they can offer a more holistic compensation package, one that accounts for the drag student loan debt now has on the workforce as a whole. The benefits are numerous: Recruiting and retention advantages Two-way tax benefits What to look for in a Student Loan Management tool
Last but certainly not least, you want a tool that also makes your employees’ lives easier. Similar to the admin experience, we give your participants a clearer financial picture of their student loans and 401(k) all in one place. We also go the extra mile by helping them balance the competing demands of debt and investing. This tension, after all, is a big reason for student loan help’s rise as a bona fide benefit. It’s our mission to help you and your staff ease it. Registration for CAHR22 is open now. Take advantage of a variety of attendance options designed to align with your needs and budget — and register early to secure the best rates! We can’t wait to see you, in Anaheim or online. |
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