PIHRA Chapters and Communities

PIHRA Government Advocacy Team

Our Events:

Various Events and Initiatives Throughout the Year

Greetings Government Advocacy Team, Chapter Legislative Affairs Chairs and PIHRA Community At-Large,

The Government Advocacy Team would like to invite you to virtual advocacy coffee chats in 2023. Typically, we plan monthly coffee chats working with Michael Kalt, CalSHRM Director of Government Affairs, members of CalSHRM’s public affairs team and local legislators. For instance, Assemblymember Kelly Seyarto, Labor and Employment Committee member will be joining us as a special guest at an upcoming chat.

If you are interested in participating in the chats, please email Dana Mayhew at advocacy@pihra.org or register for them on the PIHRA Calendar.

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PIHRA Government Advocacy Team

About PIHRA Government Advocacy Team

About Us

Our mission is to provide clear, balanced rules and guidance on employment issues that are essential to creating better workplaces.

Our Government Advocacy Team is making a difference in the workplace, Sacramento and Washington DC. We work in close partnership with the California State Council of SHRM (CalSHRM). We have become the voice of human resources in the Capital and the southland’s legislative districts.

The Team monitors and evaluates current employment laws, pending legislation, and regulations at the federal, state, and local level. Members of the Advocacy Committee are involved in drafting, commenting on, and testifying about current and proposed legislation. The Government Advocacy Team chapter chairs and their teams keep the chapters and the HR community informed of the newest legislative developments. Our mission is to provide clear, balanced rules and guidance on employment issues that are essential to creating better workplaces. If you would like to be a member of this dynamic team, join us today.

Here are some of the ways you can serve:

      • Join your chapters’ Government Advocacy Team.
      • Join the Advisory Committee.
      • Attend our virtual dynamic Coffee Hour and chat with legislators and public affairs leaders.
      • Advocate on Hill Day at CalSHRM’s Advocacy and Legislative conference in Sacramento.
      • Represent the Government Advocacy Team at the CA HR Conference.
      • Participate in our Legislative Townhalls featuring state labor and employment committees.

    • Help us launch our new “Adopt a Legislator” outreach program in your district.
    • Become a program sponsor.


July 3 to August 5

The Government Advocacy Team’s purpose is to engage, elevate and serve the PIHRA community. The Team monitors and evaluates current employment laws, pending legislation, and regulations at the federal, state, and local level that may have an impact on human resources management throughout the state.

Learn More

Watch the video below by Chris Mecheli and learn more about the PIHRA Government Advocacy Team.

Donate to the PIHRA Advocacy Team

For all who wish to donate to the PIHRA Advocacy Team, please click here to donate now.



Volunteer Officers

For additional information, please contact us at

Chair:   Dana Mayhew

Vice Chair:   Sherry Shavit

Treasurer:   Laura Baltzer

Legislative Affairs Chair:   Marilyn Monahan

Social Media Chair:   Clarissa Paz

Secretary:   Katherine Haliski

Sponsorship Co-Chair:   Laura Baltzer

Sponsorship Co-Chair:   Sarah Prince

Production Technician:   Reni Araque

Hospitality Chair:   Laura Barrero

District Representative:   Hugo Martinez

Legislative Affairs Chair – Antelope Valley:   Matt Kincaid

Legislative Affairs Chair – Burbank/Glendale:   Tal Yeyni

Legislative Affairs Chair – Gateway Cities:   Casandra Secord

Legislative Affairs Chair – Inland Valley:   Vacant

Legislative Affairs Chair – Long Beach:   Vacant

Legislative Affairs Chair – Los Angeles:   Tamra Devitt

Legislative Affairs Chair – North OC:   Amber Solano

Legislative Affairs Chair – Riverside:   Hugo Martinez

Legislative Affairs Chair – Santa Clarita:   Laura Hock

Legislative Affairs Chair – South Bay:   Nicholas Grether

Legislative Affairs Chair – South OC:   Katalin Byker

Legislative Affairs Chair – Temecula Valley:   Fernando Maldonado

Legislative Affairs Chair – West Los Angeles :   Alia Chiab

Legislative Affairs Chair – Ventura County :   Ryan Haws

Legislative Affairs Chair – Woodland Hills :   Sherry Shavit

Legislative Affairs Chair – Coachella Valley :   Dominique Fruchtman


PIHRA Government Advocacy Team

Volunteer Opportunities

Volunteerism is what makes PIHRA great

PIHRA Government Advocacy Team is always happy to welcome new or current members to leadership positions. If you would like to join our leadership team or if you need more information, please contact our Chair at advocacy@pihra.org.


PIHRA Government Advocacy Team

Sponsorship Opportunities

Partner with PIHRA Government Advocacy Team

The impact of the Government Advocacy Team—alone and in conjunction with our partners at CalSHRM—has grown exponentially over the last few years. Through member and chapter engagement, PIHRA and CalSHRM have become known quantities in Sacramento, with legislative offices reaching out to us for critical input on pending legislation. These activities are having a real impact on the laws that affect the work of human resource professionals and the companies and employees they serve.

We are currently extending sponsorship and membership opportunities.