Every 3rd Tuesday of the Month (11:30am-1:30pm)
Pomona Valley Mining Company
1777 Gillette Road
Pomona, CA
Times and locations of PIHRA Inland Valley events are subject to change.
• Great speakers with HR related topics
• Current legal updates
• Select social events
• Webinars – lecture-style for HRCI and SHRM recertification credits
• Networking opportunities
The Inland Valley chapter serves the East San Gabriel and Pomona Valleys. We hold monthly meetings featuring selected speakers, seasonal social events, regular board meetings and we participate in regional conferences and meetings.
The best way to get to know our location and its members is to attend one of our events. We start our luncheons with a half-hour of networking, followed with announcements of current events, job openings and job seekers, and conclude with an hour-long presentation by a well-versed business expert. When we hold after-hours mixers, we emphasize terrific food, wine, socializing and networking. Our monthly meetings and mixers usually last two hours, though mixers are open-ended.
Our luncheons are held at the Pomona Valley Mining Company. Mixers are held at various locations in the local area. We generally meet on the 3rd Tuesday of the month, but the date may change due to scheduling of venues and speakers.
Email to make reservations, or click on the “Register” button on our calendar page.
Reservations are necessary and must be received by the Friday prior to the meeting. Pay at the door with cash or check only please.
Chair: Cindy Kao
Vice Chair: Maru Trevizo
Treasurer: Mark McClain
Secretary: Vacant
Membership Chair: Debby Rojas
Program Chair: Jim Peddy
Communication Chair: Brandon Burroughs
Legislative Affairs Chair: Vacant
Sponsorship Chair: Brandon Burroughs
Hospitality Chair: Vacant
Immediate Past Chair: Carol Stevenson
Sponsorship Chair: Brandon Burroughs
By targeting a market composed of Professionals in Human Resources and related areas, PIHRA Inland Valley is pleased to partner with our business community for their marketing efforts by providing advertising opportunities.
Sponsoring a PIHRA Inland Valley event is without a doubt, the best way to reach Inland Valley Human Resources Professionals. For more information contact Brandon Burroughs, Inland Valley Sponsorship chair.
Thank you to IMA Financial, our Annual 2024 Chapter Sponsor!
Thank you to Paycor for Sponsoring our February and April Meetings!