Save Time & Money with PIHRA’s Multi-Year Memberships!
Want to save money and time with your PIHRA membership? Check out our Multi-Year Membership options!

Are you tired of having to renew PIHRA every year, and paying full price for your membership? With PIHRA’s multi-year membership, you can save money AND time! Get access to PIHRA’s benefits at a discounted rate, without the hassle of yearly renewal.
Get your 2-year membership today for $265 and save up to $85! Want even more? Join PIHRA with our 3-year membership of only $350 and save up to $175!
Multi-year members enjoy uninterrupted access to premium PIHRA benefits without having to remember to renew each year. Need a refresher on what PIHRA has to offer?
• HR Education & Training Opportunities
• Smart Employee Handbook Builder
• HR Advisory Hotline
• California Focused HR Education
• Free Webinars
• Building Relationships – in-person & virtual
• and More!
In these times of inflation, lock in a discounted price and ensure you have the HR tools and connections you need for the next 2-3 years!